The confectionery industry produces a wide variety of handmade and industrial cakes, biscuits and snacks. At Itasystem, we design labels for the confectionery industry that are lasting and customisable in every aspect so as to enhance the products in this sector and to allow easy traceability of foodstuffs.
Our dedicated in-house department supports customers and professionals in the creation of instant labels that simplify the identification of sweets and food, as well as provide all the necessary information. Our offer is designed to enable fast and accurate quality control.
We guarantee the first-class production of labels for the confectionery industry. That is why we take great care in every step of the production process and ensure optimal results.
Custom labels
With us you can customise your products and make their identification immediate and secure. Discover our range of labels and ask us for advice about customising them.
DiscoverPackaging for cakes and pastry products
Our confectionery department supports confectioners and confectionery industries in the development of customised packaging.
DiscoverPrinting and graphics services
Do you need to design your corporate identity? Do you need to print business cards, brochures and material for your communications? Our team of designers and printers is at your disposal.
DiscoverYou found it: it’s Itasystem. Together we can develop lasting, recyclable and functional labels for your products. We can guarantee precision, punctuality and quality.