The food industry is a vast and diverse world. The task of a food box is to protect and maintain the properties of its contents from frozen products to those in the refrigerated counter, or from long-life foods to those distributed by large-scale retailers. Food products share the same need for certified packaging that also stands out in terms of graphics.
Itasystem has long experience in the food industry and offers several categories of solutions ideal for containing and marketing food products. We specialise in the production of cardboard boxes for food and food packaging that are fully customisable in shape, size and graphics. At Itasystem, you will also find a team of creative designers and typographers at your side for the production of print materials such as brochures, catalogues, totems, business cards and billboards.
The food boxes that we design are suitable for food contact and are made with a careful choice of material based on the product they will contain.
Food labels and seals
With Itasystem, you can customise your products and make their identification immediate and secure. Discover all the certified solutions of patented labels and seals for food products.
DiscoverCardboard boxes for food
Rely on Itasystem’s team of experts to design your own certified and safe cardboard food boxes.
DiscoverGraphics and printing
Discover printing and graphics services to accompany your food from production to the shelf and make it unique and memorable.
DiscoverYou’ve found it: it’s Itasystem. We specialise in the food industry for the production of food packaging and cardboard boxes. From standard to customised solutions, we are always ready for new projects.